Half Lotus Chat
Today I want to talk about the importance of building up speed in your reflexes while at the same time learning to greatly reduce stress in your life. They’re actually greatly linked,...
Last week I spoke about developing confidence in terms of personal achievement, but the other part of that that I mentioned was developing confidence in more of a social context. This is what we...
A lot of times martial arts enthusiasts just shout confidence without having a clear understanding as to how to achieving that. If we don’t have a clear system of achieving it then...
Put principles like this into action in a way that will improve your fitness, focus, confidence, and discipline in an environment of awesome friendly people...
...Sign in Below for a FREE 2 Week...
I wanted to write about something amazingly simple but very useful that with your overall physical health as well as your mental health and your confidence.
It’s kind of funny how simple it...
The 4 Essential Steps to Mastering Discipline (hint: NOT just for martial artists :-) )
Often times we have parents bring their kids in to try martial arts because they...
we call it Kung Fu with your Kid :-)
6 Reasons why Martial Arts WITH your...
Rule #1
Being nice is about showing respect. We teach young students that respect is treating others the way you would like to be treated. How do we earn respect? By first showing others...
First of all, WHAT IS A VALUE?
When an action reaps a desired consequence, a value is born. For instance, you notice that telling the truth causes people to trust you and has a positive effect on...
Imagine you were attending Harvard Law. You wouldn’t
be humming and hawing from midterm to midterm,
whether or not you were going to follow through to get
your Bachelor’s or Master’s...