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Niagara Kung Fu
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A life changing experience with support in all endeavours; A better way of life!!!
- Mitch Mascitelli, Royal Canadian Air-force Association

Kung fu has been and continues to be, a source of bonding for my daughter and I. It has literally changed our lives. It is a place for fun and fitness, personal development, but most of all, a family.
- Ms. Julie Lech, DSBN

Ever since my son and I have joined Niagara Kung Fu, our confidence and stamina has grown especially self love and self care
- Rob Burke, Riders on the Storm

"Sifu Atalick teaches martial arts on a level typically unseen and unavailable to the mainstream audience ... he teaches to expand the consciousness of the student, showing them beyond the preconceived limitations they place on themselves"
- Lee Milteer, Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker